EMPOWER is an internationally recognized core banking system used for Microfinance Banking. It boasts a design that is unmatched with other products available in the market in term of price and features. With the advent of Empower, a Microfinance can seamlessly operate its banking operation without any hassle and compromise. Empower has complete customer management system with all the customers linked with their center and groups with centralized approval system. It has numerous built-in reports that offer deep insight and enable better and efficient management of operations. The Empower system is packed with 300+ reports for better overview and analysis of the data.
Simple to use, convenient, understandable to the users. It is not overly complexed, but instead is straightforward.
The solution can be installed on premise or used on the cloud environment.
Each user are assigned with certain role so that everything is in control and respective user can only perform assigned transactions.
Empower offers integration with third party Human Resources applications with APIs
Being a centralized system, head office can monitor real time progress and operation of branches offices without their knowledge.
Availability of up to date NRB reports and are updated upon changes in the standard NRB Reports.
Provide accessibility to mobile banking, Agent banking etc.
Members can easily deposit/withdraw and repay loan from any branch of the institution at their ease.
A single database management for all branches, with Head Office able to monitor the status of rest of the branches.
User restrictions can be implemented with levels of control on limit-based approval of transactions, enabling/disabling menus, and password management characterized with usage of strong passwords, consisting of alphanumeric and special characters, password expiry and user locking on wrong login attempts
Allows management of center and group information, and enroll members with respective roles, such as Center Chief, Vice Chief, Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary and Member. Includes feature of full and partial centers and groups.
Includes all KYC related fields for member information management.
Includes required NRB Reports and CIB Reports under their standards, and are updated along with changes or addition in the default report format.
Add-On feature, allowing members to take advantage of SMS receipts, and utility services, such as Top Up, ISP Payment, Bank Funds Transfers, and much more, right from their mobile devices.
Sanepa-2, Lalitpur
Ph. No. 977-01-5970062